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Anyone with a graduate degree in I/O psychology or related field (e.g. Organizational Behavior, Human Resources) is welcome to join CHIOP as a professional member. We also offer discounted rates to students in I/O psychology or related graduate programs.

Benefits of membership in CHIOP include:

  • Reduced fees for meetings and events
  • E-mail reminders of upcoming events
  • Networking opportunities with the greater Chicagoland area I/O professionals and organizations
  • Opportunities to contribute to various exciting committees
  • Access to the online member directory
  • Quarterly newsletters to keep you up-to-date on CHIOP news and events
You may be wondering why CHIOP is collecting membership dues when in the past we have not. There are a number of annual overhead costs to CHIOP and the costs of holding professional events is increasing. By collecting annual membership dues we can cover the basic costs of "doing business" while also investing in new programs and opportunities to serve the greater Chicagoland I/O psychologists. As your local I/O organization, we look forward to serving you in the future!
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